Arburg’s powder injection molding (PIM) team will attend two trade fairs in October to discuss the processing of metal (MIM) and ceramic (CIM) injection molding.
Marko Maetzig, who is responsible for applications development at Arburg, will give a presentation at Euro PM 2015, taking place in Reims, France from October 4-7.
From October 20-23, Arburg will also present its range of powder injection molding products and services at Ceramitec 2015 in Munich, Germany.
Mr Maetzig’s presentation will focus on the relationship between mold temperature and part quality in the injection process.
“Fluctuations in quality often arise during powder processing, leading to variations in part properties,” he said, adding that a constant green compact density should be strived for in order to avoid time-consuming tests and costly mold modifications.
He will discuss how this can be achieved through complete pressure compensation in the molded part and how the Variotherm process can contribute to this.
Arburg’s headquarters in Lossburg, Germany houses a well-equipped laboratory for PIM applications development. All upstream and downstream production steps such as material preparation, debinding, sintering and part analyses can also be tested there. Equipment includes a shear roll extruder, debinding systems, sintering ovens and a device for simultaneous thermal analysis.
As said, special equipment were added to Arburg’s fundamental Allrounder injection molding machines for PIM processing, such as a wear resistant cylinder module, a special screw geometry adapted to PIM and a position-regulated screw.
The product range, which is produced on Allrounders, extends from micro gear wheels with an external diameter of 1.4mm to ceramic cores for stationary gas turbines weighing up to 2kg.