Machinery News

EUROMAP 60 revised to distinguish between machine-related and product-related energy consumption

EUROMAP 60 revised to distinguish between machine-related and product-related energy consumption

EUROMAP 60 revised to distinguish between machine-related and product-related energy consumption
EUROMAP 60 revised to distinguish between machine-related and product-related energy consumption

The existing EUROMAP 60 on the determination of the energy consumption of injection molding machines is now divided into two parts: machine-related consumption 60.1 and product-related consumption 60.2.


The new version gives customers an opportunity to compare machines from different manufacturers on the basis of uniform parameters. It introduces an energy efficiency classification based on two test cycles that take the particular characteristics of fast running machinery and very small machines into account. Keeping the measurement effort required to a level acceptable to machinery manufacturers without the results losing any of their information value is an important consideration here. The efficiency classes identified serve as benchmarks allowing customers to make a pre-selection.

Not least, the uniform classification enables increases in efficiency to be put across clearly, including to the political decision-makers. In addition to the rough classification of injection molding machines, the second part of the new recommendation offers the possibility of transparency in product-related energy consumption for the manufacture of individual injection molded parts to customer specifications, with specified materials, tools and machinery. The key parameter here is the specific energy consumption in kilowatt-hours per kilogram of plastic processed.

To this end, a method of measurement with defined terms of reference is provided, together with a model for documenting the results. This will allow customers to include energy consumption in the machine’s life cycle cost calculation at the tendering stage. A number of groups of experts are now working on recommendations for measuring the energy consumption of extrusion, blow molding and thermoforming machines.


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