According to industry statistics, Mexican foods have climbed to the fifth spot in terms of total sales by cuisine type. One of the most popular menu items in this category is the Taco Salad.
Up until now, it has been very 93888 & LAM09difficult, if not impossible, to find a good “to go” packaging option. Luckily your friends at Genpak now have a great solution. Introducing our new 93888 high dome lid.
This new lid features very steep side walls which not only protect the taco shell from damage, but also does not impede on the shell itself. The 93888 will fit any of our 8-7/8″ diamter plate such as the LAM09 & 80900. Or, for the really robust taco salad, the 93888 will also fit any of our LW or FW series of bowls.
Don’t delay and get FREE samples of this great new product ordered today!