The physical rubber prices showed a mixed trend on Wednesday. The market showed signs of improvement as sellers stayed back on supply concerns and a better closing in the international markets.
Sheet rubber improved to Rs 97 from Rs 96.50 a kg on covering purchases. A late decline in the July futures on NMCE failed to make any visible impact on the market. There were no fresh enquiries from major consuming industries. The volumes were low.
Futures weak
The July futures for RSS 4 expired weak at Rs 96.74 (98.92) a kg while its August futures improved to Rs 94.41 (93.83), September to Rs 90 (89.44) and October to Rs 88 (87.17) per kg on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE). RSS 3 firmed up further at its July futures to 59.3 (58) (Rs 82.83), August to 59.4 (57.5), September to 58.4 (55.8), October to 58.1 (54.3), November to 59.5 (55.2) and December to 60.7 (56.8) a kg during the day session on TOCOM.
The July futures closed at 60.3 (Rs 83.36), September at 59.8, October at 59.1, November at 60.3 and December at 61.7 a kg while the August futures continued to remain inactive during the night session. RSS 3 improved to Rs 82.35 (81.88) a kg on Singapore Commodity Exchange (SICOM). The grade slipped to Rs 82.54 (82.63) a kg at Bangkok.
Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 97 (96.50); RSS-5: 95 (95); ungraded: 92 (92); ISNR 20: 87 (86) and latex 60 per cent: 80 (80).