Environment Recycling News

City of Akron partners with Greenstar Recycling and Vadxx on plastics to synthetic crude facility

Greenstar Recycling is partnering with the City of Akron to construct a single stream recycling processing facility that will include processing

technology to convert recovered plastic into synthetic crude oil. These services will be provided by local company Vadxx Energy, LLC through a joint venture with Greenstar. (Earlier post.)

The companies will work together with the City of Akron to provide a domestic fuel and benefit the environment by repurposing recovered plastic products. The agreement will allow other communities in the area to participate in these expanded recycling services under the same terms and conditions as the City of Akron.

Vadxx has developed a proprietary continuous catalytic pyrolysis process that transforms discarded petroleum-based products, including plastics, tires, other polymer-based products and oils, into low-sulfur synthetic crude oil (about 75% of the product) and natural gas (15%), with the remainder being mostly char. Specifications of Vadxx crude oil are largely functions of the raw materials consumed and the operating parameters employed. Vadxx oil is light, with API gravities primarily between 35 and 45 degrees.

The oil is sold through an energy marketer to oil refiners to produce gasoline and other products. The gas is utilized to generate electricity for use by the facility. Vadxx operates a crude oil production demonstration plant at its Akron, OH facility.

Greenstar handles two million tons of recyclables per year, servicing more than 12 million customers through a network of 14 processing facilities with more than 10,000 managed services locations.


Source : www.greencarcongress.com

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