Product News

New biodegradable toothbrush made of API's Apinat

New biodegradable toothbrush made of API's Apinat
New biodegradable toothbrush made of API's Apinat
New biodegradable toothbrush made of API's Apinat

Italian bioplastics supplier API SpA announced that Frisetta Kunststoff GmbH from Germany has used its Apinat biodegradable thermoplastics to produce the new Monte-Bianco Nature, a toothbrush with replaceable brush head for adults.

According to its statement, this is a collaboration of API, Frisetta and high performance plastics producer A Schulman GmbH in Germany. The head and handle of the new Monte-Bianco toothbrush, being launched at Interbrush 2012, are made of Apinat which is 100% biodegradable according to EU 13432/EN and US ASTM D6400 standards, and is provided with natural bristles.

The good rheological properties of Apinat allow the material to be easily injected with thicknesses up to 1cm, while the crystallization behavior allows fast cycle times with no need of specific actions on the mold, says API.

Moreover, the company states that Apinat outperform other traditional bioplastics in terms of mechanical properties. The resistance in harsh conditions is confirmed by the stable behavior in hot water, while good elasticity and impact resistance enable Apinat to pass all necessary flection, strain and impact tests.

API is targeting applications in the consumer goods, where the product life time and the need for interchangeable and disposable components make Apinat an effective environmentally friendly solution.

The Interbrush 2012 was held from May 9-11 in Freiburg, Germany.

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