Injection molding machine manufacturer Engel said its India division received a high level of orders in the financial year of 2009/2010. “Investments in high-quality machines are constantly increasing in India,” reported Jitendra Devlia, Manager of Engel Machinery India Pvt Ltd.


With respect to automotive applications, Mr Devlia also mentioned that Engel currently is undisputedly number one supplier of injection molding machines in India.

After technical molding, solutions for the automotive industry are thus the biggest revenue generators in 2010. In addition, major orders were received for caps and closures, a sector in which Engel is anticipating strong growth.

Engel has been engaged in India for the past 12 years with its own distribution and service subsidiary. More than 800 machines have already been installed. Over 100 new and 200 used machines were sold in 2010 alone. The trend is towards tie-bar-less machines from the Engel victory series. A further focus is on multi-component applications, which are very much in demand in India.

After China, India is Asia’s second most important market for Engel. In 2009 the gross domestic product grew by 7.2%. Growth of 9% is anticipated for 2010.


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