City officials have reminded Bayonne residents not to use plastic bags for holding curbside recycling.
BAYVILLE (Scrap Monster): City officials are reminding Bayonne residents and businesses not to set out their recycling in plastic bags.
Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis said in a statement that the plastic bags get stuck in the recycling equipment and “slow down the process.”
“That is why plastic bags must not be used for holding curbside recycling,” Davis said. “Instead, recycling should be set out in strong metal or plastic containers that bear recycling labels on their exteriors.”
In the case of mixed paper and cardboard recycling, there are some acceptable alternatives to using a trash can with a label, city spokesman Joe Ryan said. Mixed paper and cardboard can also be put out in: a) a brown paper bag; or b) a corrugated cardboard box; or c) tied up with a string or cord.
If mixed paper is put out in plastic bags, it will not be picked up, Ryan said. Recycling labels are available in Room 13 of City Hall, he said.